Monday, December 7, 2009

Last Day of MUSE Class

We went over what we got on our scholarly paper.  When our professor wasn't talking to us about what we got the rest of the class was writing the 4 year get internet famous plan.  We had to put how we are going to use the skills in class while we are here in college.  We also discussed what our final was going to be and what we should study for and expect.  This class was fun and interesting.  Now my first semester in college is finally.....DONE.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What we did in Class

Today in class we talked about our scholarly paper.  Katherine helped us by helping review our scholarly paper.  We also talked to our Professor about how we are doing in our class.  We talked about our grades and what we could have right about now. 

We were put into groups and we were told that we should start making a 5 year plan.  The plan should be what the classes that we want to take and should take while we are on campus.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

MUSE Interview

MUSE Interview with Amirissa, Karimah for the MUSE 1 class.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


For Thanksgiving this year my family went over to my cousins house.  When we went to his house my parents brought roast beef for everyone.  It was fun to see my cousins because I don't see them that often. My cousins house is next to a park so we had to play football.  Last year we had our first turkey bowl and the game ended in a thriller.  This year was no different.  This year the game ended when I caught the ball for an interception in their endzone and ran it back for an interception touchdown.  So I had a great Thanksgiving and can't wait til next year to have another thriller.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Last Wednesday my MUSE class interviewed a Peer Mentor and a Senior at San Jose State.  The interview went well, the class was able to hear about how the experiences were for the Peer Mentor and the Senior.  We were able to hear how the Peer Mentor got into the program.  The Senior was able to tell us about how we should approach our years on Campus.

2 Fall Campus Events

For my Muse Class I had to attend two Campus Events other than the workshops.  The two events that I had attended were a RUSH week flag football game and SJSU Sweet Success provided by the DRC.

For the RUSH week flag football game, I attended the event so I could play some football and it was a way for me to get active with San Jose State.  The Fraternity that I played football with was Alpha Kappa Omega.  I was able to meet some new people and I had a great time playing the game.  The fraternity that I played with were really cool.  They accepted everyone that had come there to play and I was able to meet the ones that had planned it out.

The other event that I had attened was SJSU Sweet Success provided by the Disability Resource Center.  The event described to the Disability Resource students what the type of things that the programs provide.  I learned about the types of resources on campus that will help me succeed in school.  I learned about the Adaptive Technology Center which is in the MLK library.  They provide the DRC students with resources about how you could use the computers to help you out while you are at SJSU.

Muse Workshops

The two MUSE Workshops that I went to were  Music/Stress Therapy and also the Peter Lee Memorial International Lecture.

For the Music/Stress Therapy the workshop was very interesting.  I liked how when you are very emotional the type of music that you use will me the one in the same type of mood.  Like if you are sad you might listen to R&B opposed to rock.  The workshop was very fun and great.  I learned a lot from that workshop and it was really informative.  Before the workshop had ended, the whole class did some deep breathing exercises that we could use when we start to feel stressed.

The Peter Lee Memorial was interesting.  The lecture was given by Dr. Stephen Stedmen.  The workshop was provided to talk about the International and Extended Studies.  The lecture was very interesting Dr. Stedmen used to work for the UN and so he described the struggles about the economy.  The lecture was informative and I was able to hear the different types of economy all around the world.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Questions to ask Peer Mentor/Senior

Questions for Senior:

1. Why did you choose to come to this school? 

2. What is your major? Did your parents have an influence on what it should be?  Have you thought about switching majors?

3. How did you feel about your first semester on campus and being in a new enviornment where everything is more spaced out and everyone is free to do whatever they want?

4. Did you join any clubs or fraternities/soroties while at San Jose State?

5. What are some tips that you could give some (almost) second semester freshmen?

Chapter 12

Make different choices for the different types of careers that you can have.  Make sure that the career that you choose is the right one.  Try to match it with what you do everyday and what you have experienced.  When looking for jobs try to start out at an internship.  When you do this you will be able to try out new and different types of jobs and see which one you like the most.  If there is a place on campus that you can talk to, go there and see what are the types of jobs around the area that you can go and try out.  An example would be like a career center.  When you want to get the job, try to be the person that the employers want/need for their business.  Be confident while talking to them in an interview and you will be sure to get the job that you want.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Chapter 11

Manage your money correctly.  Create a budgets so that you will be able to see how much money you are spending and how much you are saving.  Open a bank and savings account.  Get a job and use the money wisely like use it for your college education and do not waste the money on things that are unneccessary.  Make sure you always have good credit, do not have any problems with your credit.  Learn how to manage your finances.