Monday, December 7, 2009

Last Day of MUSE Class

We went over what we got on our scholarly paper.  When our professor wasn't talking to us about what we got the rest of the class was writing the 4 year get internet famous plan.  We had to put how we are going to use the skills in class while we are here in college.  We also discussed what our final was going to be and what we should study for and expect.  This class was fun and interesting.  Now my first semester in college is finally.....DONE.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What we did in Class

Today in class we talked about our scholarly paper.  Katherine helped us by helping review our scholarly paper.  We also talked to our Professor about how we are doing in our class.  We talked about our grades and what we could have right about now. 

We were put into groups and we were told that we should start making a 5 year plan.  The plan should be what the classes that we want to take and should take while we are on campus.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

MUSE Interview

MUSE Interview with Amirissa, Karimah for the MUSE 1 class.