Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chapter 5 Summary

We have to always stay focused so that we are able to think about what is supposed to be done for what needs to be done.  See what can be used so that you are able to see what needs to be done for the class.  Look for what could be wrong and try to find out what you can finish and what you can do.  We have to find a way that can be used differently and what can change what should be done.  Always check what should be done and be able to finish what everything is and what could be done.

Know Yourself - Chapter 5

The Critical Difference
My Score:
Avoider style: 14
Consumer style: 27
Strategist style: 17

How Systematically Do I Solve Problems?
My Strengths in Problem Solving are: Identification, Evaluation, Action, and Looking Back.
I need to practice on the Definition.  If I am not able to see what the main definition is, then I will not be able to see what can help and what could be the one that can be a good choice.
Make sure that I am able to put the type of solving so I am able to see what other methods I can do so I can accomplish what needs to be done for my class.

My Creative Profile
I am often creative.

Reflection of Peer Mentor and Muse Class

My Peer Mentor for my Muse Class is very helpful.  Our class Peer Mentor is Anna White.  The Peer Mentor is helping the class all the time, she is able to answer all the questions for us.  It seems like she can almost teach the class, because she helps answers the questions all the time.  She is always there to help the class out.  The Peer Mentor helps us get ready for what is due for the class.  They are able to help describe to us what we can change and what we have to do.  She makes sure that we are always on top.  This Muse Class seems like we aren't really doing anything different from high school.  The things we are learning are just from the book, and seem like basic things that we are supposed to know.  We are able to see what can help us and what can't, but it seems like it is just basic knowledge.  So the class seems to help me get used to college, but it seems like the things we are learning are stuff that we should already know.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Your Journal - Chapter 4

1. A matter of Style
- My strengths are learning from someone when they have something that I can see, I also learned that I like to do everything by myself first then I ask for help.
My weaknesses are critical thinking, having everything that is told to me without seeing how the things are done.
- I will be able to understand what the topic is if I have something to see, and I could increase what is being told if I am able to hear what the teacher said twice.
- No
- I will have to go and sit closer to the front of the class so I will be able to hear what is told.

2. The Deep End of the Pool
- Math: I hope I do really do well in this class because math is my favorite subject.
English: I want to try my best so I will be able to succeed in this class.
Muse Class: I hope to understand the internet a little bit more better.
- Am I going to pass the class?  Will I be able to understand what the teacher is describing or what the lesson is going to be about?

1. Connect with a Special Instructor
- The instructor got my intentions when they were able to tell me what is going to happen in the class and how we are going to be able to succeed in the class.
- He remembers being in the same seats we are in right now and described how he wasn't able to understand what some of the teachers were saying.
- You should learn everything from class and be able to read everything that you are told.
- They said they would need to see what what he/she is learning.
- They are about the same because we both need to see what the topic is and how we can use it today.  As well be able to understand what is being learned.

2. Review a Syllabus
- We are going to have to use the computer a lot and be able to understand what needs to be needed for the class.
- By reading everything in advance and try to finish everything before the essential due date.
- Yes, you will need groups so you can accomplish some of the work that needs to be done.
- The teacher said the way to contact them is by email and set up appointments so you can ask them for help with the class.

Think Critically
1. The Stylish Major
- Civil Engineering
- Knowing math and knowing how everything should be done.
- By doing my work days before you are doing it.
- My personality doens't reach what needs to happen, but I will be able to see what you have to do.

Know Yourself - Chapter 4

Your Intelligence Profile
The Dimensions that I scored the highest are Musical, Bodily-Kinesthic, Spatial.
The Dimensions that I scored the lowest are Verbal-Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Interpesonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalist, Spiritual/Existential.

Sensory Preference Inventory
My Visual Total: 30
My Auditory Total: 26
My Tactile Total: 28

Experiental Learning Preferences
I prefer to learn by doing critical thinking.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Your Journal - Chapter 9

1. The View from the Audience
- When they were about to start the speech and looking at my notes, I realized that what they were about to say was not going to make sense because they were talking in such a soft voice.
- I believe he finally realized that we couldn't hear him, so he started to speak louder.
- I was wonder if the person was nervous at all, if so why, and is there a way to make him comfortable
- I would have told the speaker to relax, take a deep breathe and breathe

1. Powerpoints
- The powerpoint that I remember so far in college is when I had the first day of class.   When we had the first day, the teacher brought up a powerpoint so we could see what needs to be done.  We also got involved, he showed us powerpoints and describe what we thought about them.

2. One More Go-Around
- The best strategies that help me the best with my writing is when I sleep on it and use computer functions to check spelling and grammer.

Think Critcally
1. The Cost of Plagiarism
    Reason: Does not have time                      Justification: You need to have it right then and there
    Reason: Forgot to Study                           Justification: Didn't have time to study and it is a really big test
    Reason: Copying word by word off the internet            Justificaton: Didn't have time to research every detail
Consequences: You will be kicked out of the school if you are caught. 
- I have to work hard no matter what the obstacle is.  I have to make sure that no matter what I do I have to make sure I do everything on time.

2. What are Your Writing Trends?
- I have been recieving a lot of positive feedback.  I am staying consistent with my writing, but I know I have to do better then what I already have.
- The negative feedbacks tell me that I need to work more on these area of studying then these areas.  I have to think about more detail and go more in depth about what the main topic is.
- I realized that when writing what we are told, I see that we have to go back and look at other papers before and see if there is any other detail that I can use to describe what needs to be done.

1. Entitlement
- Course: English                    Topic: Write a letter to the school about the budget cuts and tell them how it is unfair about what the agreement was for the school.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Know Yourself - Chapter 9

What are My Writing Strengths and Weaknesses?
My writing strengths are I follow the instructions.  I always stay focused.  The things that I need to improve are to think of what I am trying to say and try to sum it up in a better way.  No, when I am working on something important, I try to think of what is the best way that I can go and accomplish something.  A strategy that can help me would be to brainstorm my ideas.  Once I brainstorm my ideas, I will be able to choose what sounds good and which one would go with the topic.  It would be a good idea to go to a writing center, when at the center, they can help you with what you need to do and what needs to be done so you can be able to throughly write a great story.

Are You at Risk for Plagiarism?
Reproducing the writer's original words-with quotations marks.  Rearranging the words in the writer's original sentence, and identifying the writer, but puttting theoriginal sentence your own words.  I reproduce the writers original words-with quotation marks.

What Are My Speaking Strengths and Weaknesses?
My strengths are I connect with the audience by talking directly to them rather than reading my notes or delivering a memorized script.  I follow appropriate conventions, including grammer.  I need to improve on are my purposes and keep the main focus the whole time.  I need to organize the speech a little better and I need to reflect more on the course.

No School Today

Today there was no school, but I still had to go on campus because they told us that our workshop class doesn't count as a regular class.  The teacher was a student so they said he couldn't have any furlough days because he isn't part of the faculty.  I was really mad that I had to commute from San Francisco to San Jose just to go to one class.  That was a waste of money.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Red Brick Pizza

The first time there, at Red Brick Pizza, and I can not believe that they have mini tv's on your table while you eat. That is pretty cool.

Self-Portrait Poem

Friendly, Kind, Helpful, Athletic
The Borromeo Family, Juggernaut, P-Bo
School, Family, and Friends
Tired, Excited, and Hungry
Always have family, Friends, and a good education
Loyalty, Respect, Trust
Failing School, Needles, Losing family
49ers Games, Warriors Game, Traveling with my family
San Bruno, Highland Drive

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Your Journal - Chapter 3

1. Who's in Charge?
- current stengths and weaknesses with regard to managing time are you have to make sure that when you make a schedule, you stick to that schedule, if you forget to do one thing, you will mess up and be out of sync.  A weakness is you will not be able to do what you want to do because of your schedule.  You are going to yes to almost everything but you aren't going to be able to fulfull what you promised.  Your time management is important because it helps keep you on task.
- To address my weakness I will always have to keep looking at my watch so I can see what the time is and how I can complete my tasks in the certain amount of time I give myself.  I will also have to keep on track on what I am doing, I have to stay focus on the task at hand.

2. The 80-20 Principle in Your Academic Life
- I would say that the courses that I am taking, they apply to the 80-20 principle because about 20% of my work that I do for class are inside the classroom and the other 80% is done when I leave campus or when I go home.  I am doing most of the work outside the classroom then I am inside.  I am learning about it inside the classroom, but I am getting more out of it if I read the book.

1. Change a Habit
- The bad habit that is hurting my ability to effectively manage time is watching tv.  Because when I get home I just go straight to room and see if there is a game on the tv.
- I will try to make it a habit to go to the library before and after school so that I can get my work done.  While at the library I will be able to accomplish what needs to be done.

2. Put Swiss Cheese into Action
- My biggest task for next week is for getting ready for a math quiz that happens every thursday.  I was able to get a lot of time to study for the quiz, since I don't have classes on Friday, I was able to study what I didn't know for the class.  When I took the quiz, I recieved a higher score on my test the week before.

Think Critically
1. Be More Precise
- Vague: I'm going to start getting to school on time.
Precise: I will start arriving to class on time.
- Vague: I plan to watch TV less and study more.
Precise: I planned to study more and watch TV less.
- Vague: I'm going to quit wasting time.
Precise: I will stop wasting time and finish the work that needs to be done.

2. Link Goals with Time Spent in Activities
- I do not do any activities that take up more than three hours a week.  When I am done with classes, I go straight home so I can do my homework.
- Since I am not doing any activities, I have more time to do my work and make sure that I can finish whatever needs to be done.
- Some reasons for participating in activities that are unrelated to your goals would be to have time to do other things, be able to experience something new and different.

1. A New Kind of Cheese
Title of approach: Stay on Task to Pass your Class
Description of approach: Your have to stay on task and finish your work.  Do not goof off or else you will not pass the class.  You do your work, you will be able to accomplish what needs to be done.

2. Jump Starts
Some ideas to reduce procrastination would be to make sure that you are always focus.  If you are really into electronics you should turn off your cell phones so you can't text anyone and they can't text you back.  Turn off your televisions or else you could get distracted.  Make sure that when you are in a group make sure everyone is contributing or else it is not a group effort.  Making sure you stay on task will help succeed in the courses that you are taking.

Know Yourself - Chapter 3

Evaluating My Week of Time Management
1. I Spent too much time on:
- watching tv
- playing games
- just sleeping when I should be doing work

2. I spent too little time on:
- reading the book
- studying
- getting ready to take a test

3.Next week, I will spend more time on:
- studying for tests
- read the chapters for my classes
- getting organized and have everything for the next day
4. Next week, I will spend less time on:
- watching tv
- playing games
- less time on the computer unless it is for homework

5. After a week of managing, monitoring and evaluating my use of time, these are the most important things I have to work on to be a great manager:
- make sure I am completing everything on time
- be on time when I am doing my work
- making sure that I will be able to finish my work and have time to study so I can succeed in my classes.

Are You a Procrastinator?
My total score when I finished the survey was 16.  The book describes me as an occasional procrastinator.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Your Journal - Chapter 2

1. Reflect on Your Relationship with Your Roommate.
I do not live on campus so I would not no how to make it better so we could get a better understanding. 

2. Your Own Experience with Discrimination and Prejudice
I have experienced that with my learning disability I have seen other students at my high school make fun of us because we were in a certain group.  We had extra time on test and they didn't like us because we recieved special treatment from the school.  When teachers heard kids make fun of us or the group, they got the student and brought him inside the room and talk to the learning disability teacher. 

1.Seek Common Ground
My friend is from Tennessee and he moved to San Francisco when he was 10.  I found out that me and him both like to watch football games and play football.  We also have the same type of music that we listen to.  We both went to the same grade schools.  Some thing that I was surprised to learn about was that he liked the same type of music like me, because he usually listens to rock so it was a surprise that he liked Hip Hop and Rap.

2. Combat Loneliness
After attending the rush events a couple weeks ago, I met another 1st year student considering to pledge for this Fraternity.  While talking to him I noticed that me and him both liked to play basketball.  We are also Filipino.  While talking, the one detail that caught my attention was when he told me the high school we went.  The high school he went to was the rival of my high school.  Now we hang out almost every week and we try to play basketball when we don't have class. 

Think Critically
1. What Does Touch Communicate?
One way of communicating would be using text on your phone or email a friend.  It would be different because of your age because it would be really weird and ackward talking to someone that might be a few years younger than you.  An example would be your cousins are 15 and you are 19, it would be hard for you to relate to them because they haven't done most of the things that you have done.  But if you were 19 and your cousins were older they could help you out because they have gone and done everything and it would be helpful from them to give you tips on what to do and not to do.

2. Evaluate Your Own Attitudes Toward Sexual Diversity
- No I do not have negative attitudes toward the these people.  Because I try to become friends with people I believe that I can trust.
- I never had an attitude because I try to work everything out with whomever has a dispute with me.
- I have not learned any prejudices by modeling the attitudes of others that I admire.

1. Overcome Your Barriers
I realized that while I was talking to the teachers, I felt like I had heard the answer and not sure if it is a good idea to ask them to repeat it again.  If I hesitate to ask the question the teacher will not understand what I am asking.  So when you have a question, show confidence and ask the question that you have no matter if the teacher has said it again and again, it is always good to make sure you know what/when something is due.

2. Are Men Really from Mars and Women Really from Venus?
I realized that when we were in a group of three guys and three girls, I realized that there was a similarity while we were talking.  I have noticed that the girls in the group were interested in playing sports, when that topic came up the girls were talking about how they were going to do paintball and how they say that it was fun.  Another thing was that they like to listen to the same type of music.  That were a couple things that we have in common. 

Know Yourself - Chapter 2


For the subtotals of Part 1: my score was 32.
For the subtotals of Part 2: my score was 32.

Together they are 64 and it says "you likely experience quite a bit loneliness.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Giants - Rockies Game

Just went to the Giants-Rockies game, it was so much especially since it was against the Rockies. It was the first baseball game this year, that I went with my family. We had such a fun time, it was a great game to watch.  Alright Giants!!!

Mime Experience

In class, we did an exercise called the Mime Experience. My partner was Jay. What we had to do was to copy and mirror what the other person was doing. While doing it, it was sorta awkward and not sure what to do. We realized that after awhile, we were using our other senses. We realized that you have to observe a lot while you are mirroring the other person. It was sort of difficult because the other person is trying to trick you. It was fun to do and really funny.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

MLK Library Tour

This past Wednesday my Muse Class went on a tour to the MLK Library. While we went on this trip to the Library, I learned a lot of new things while we were there. One thing that I learned was that you can go and reserve study rooms in the library. I also learned that if you are part of the disability resource center, you can go to the adaptive technology center. I also learned that if you need help with finding a book or have a question and you aren’t in the library, you can go and text a librarian, email them, call the library or just come in and speak face to face.

If there are no computers that you can use in the library, and you need to use a computer to work on a project, you can go to the SJSU Student Computer Service. It is found in the basement of the library. The SCS is provided for current SJSU students. If you borrow a computer and if you lose it or it gets stolen, or if it gets destroyed and has to be repaired, you will have to reimburse SJSU. You may borrow the computer for only four hours or less. If you have to replace the laptop you would have to pay 1600, and for every hour that you borrow it after the time limit, you would have to pay a ten dollar fine. These are a couple of things that the MLK Library has to offer.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Your Journal - Chapter 1

My Best Helpers
The names of the persons who have helped me the most:
- Udita: helps out with my precalculus homework
- Paolo: he tells me what are some of the events that are happening on campus
- Jaime: showed me around campus

The most aspect of college that I need help right now is to get all my work done on time, and still getting used to my schedule.  They all could help me because they are all in one of my classes and know what I am doing, so I can go and ask them for help with homework or projects.

Dealing with Computers
The type of computer skills that I have are that I am able to type out all my work and I know how to use powerpoint really well.  I do not have any fears or problems regarding computers, the only thing that I worry about is if I don't have my charger and my computer dies while I am doing my homework.
-Find out if one of my friends have the same computer and see if I could borrow their charger.
-Remember to not forget my charger at home.
-If I have to, then I will type out my work.

Explore Campus Jobs
1. Bookstore: It seems like a good place to work.  It will help me with time managment, because I will have to work out my work schedule with my class schedule. 
2. Jamba Juice: get the experience of working a place that gets pretty packed because it is very hot everyday.
3. Librarian Assistant: It is something that is a good and you learn where everything is.

Explore Extracurricular Activities
Interesting Activities:
- Intramural Sports: it is sports and I like to be active.  The bad part it could get into the time of my schedule.
- Bowling Club: I like to bowl, I used to be in the club at my high school, I don't want to bring my bowling ball on campus and carry it around all day, and I don't want to use the ones at the alley because the ball that I have, I am so used to it already.

Know Yourself - Chapter 1

Campus Resources to Meet My Needs
I am  discovering new things on campus everyday.  There are places on campus that I haven't been yet.  Some of the places on campus that help me out I pretty much go there everyday.  There are also a lot of clubs that I can join so I can get involved.

What are my Interests?
The activities that I like to do the most is playing basketball.  I always play basketball when I have a lot of free time.  I also like to go and hang out with friends. 

When I am doing what I want it is pretty much helping out others.  I like to do a lot of community service.  I also pretty much play basketball whenever I can. 

In my leisure time I try to play basketball, but when I am at home, I usually help out my brother with his homework.

My hobbies are as I said before playing basketball, and playing other sports, I usually like to hang out with my older cousins.  Because they challenge me when I play them in basketball, we usually play 2 - 2, and they know my weaknesses so it is a little challenging but I still fnd a way to get the win.

I can't relate any of the activities, hobbies, or interests to possible academic majors.  I can't link them to any possible carreers, the only way that I could link it to a career is that I will be able to talk to people I don't know and be able to help them out with what is happening.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


The day after labor day, I finally get my braces off after a long time.  It feels so great.  I am so happy that I don't have braces anymore.

Monday, September 7, 2009

My Bros Birthday and Labor Day

Happy Birthday Bro.  Hope you have a great day.

Just got back from Boston. The flight was really early, left six but had to be at the airport at four. I am really tired but now I am at my cousins doing homework.  And now celebrating my brothers birthday.

Review Questions - Chapter 1

-Resources: Library
-Why is it important: Library is important because I can go there and get information about the topics that I am studying for class.  It is also a good place to set up meetings with friends so that you can go and ask questions about the topic and see what your friends got as an answer and how you got it correct ot wrong. 
-Resources: Disability Resource Center
-Why is it important: The Disability Resource Center is a place where I can go and get help, I have a learning disability that they can help and provide me with the equipment to succeed in all my classes.
-Resources: Blackboard
-Why is it important: Blackboard is important, because it is a way for the students to communicate when we are not in class.  We can go and as the teachers questions and the teachers can help us by telling us what we are doing right or what we are doing wrong.  It is also a way for all the students to go ask each other questions.

-In designing an academic career path, you would have to know what the classes you are going to be taking.
-You would also make sure that your classe are pertaining to your major.  This will help you with your college credits.
-Make sure if you are going to transfer to another school, make sure that the classes that you took are transferable so you can get the credits from those classes that you took at your old school.

- It is such valuable resource because it will help students see what the classes they are about to take and see what is going to come out of the class.  You will also be able to see how this class is going to go into your graduation requirements.
- Some of the important facts that you can learn from this is how many units your classes are.  How the classes will help you at school.  It will give you a more depth information about the classes.

-When you are choosing your major, there is always an advisor that can help you choose and see what type of major is good for you.  You shouldn't just jump and choose what your major is, because you are just in your first year of college.  The major that you choose should be what you want it to be.  You shouldn't choose a major to please your parents or follow your friends.  It has to be your choice.

- Email:  because when you check your email, you can see if there is any new homework that you have to do or if the date of something has been changed.
- Word processor:  This will help you type out all your homeworks instead of always writing them by hand.
- Powerpoint: it is a way to give a description about what you are doing, it is also a way to show people what you are talking about instead of always just handing everyone a piece of paper with information.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

After classes thursday, I went home directly and started to pack for my trip to Boston the next day.  When I got to the airport, it was so packed that the main security gate went from the beginning all the way to the International Terminal building doors.  I thought I was going to be late for my flight and when I was through the gates, I was happy that everything went smoothly.  I finally arrived in Boston late on Friday and it is really nice here and can't wait to go out in the morning and see what the city has to offer.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Your Journal - Prologue


I am more independent.  Everything that I do is on me, there is no more that was my parents fault everything is on you.  I have more work then I ever had before.  I know that everything counts.  I have to accomplish my goals and succeed in whatever I am trying to accomplish.

I am able to start fresh.  There is no one that I know so I can start a new slate.  I am able to have more time to go and do what I believe is right.  I also know that I can be more creative in college and make more friends.

Conscious Coping

The most stressful experience that I have had so far is getting to classes.  The classes are all in different buildings that I have to walk through campus everyday, and it is a big campus.

Just walking across campus wearing jeans because the weather is so hot. 

I realized that this something that I will have to get used to because the weather is always the same on campus.

It has been two weeks and I have gotten use to the weather now and it feels like I have been used to this weather my whole life.
I plan that I will wear shorts under my jeans.  Because where I live it is really cold and when I get on campus I would just change so I am ready for the hot sun.

Know Yourself - Prologue

What are my Values?

- having good friendships and getting along well with people
- self-respect
- having a good spiritual life
- having the respect of others
- being a moral person
- feeling secure
- being a great athlete
- being well educated
- contributing to the welfare of others
- having peace of mind
- being happy
- family relationships
- honesty and integrity
- dedication and commitment
- having personal responsibility

My five most important personal values are:

1) Family Relationships
2) Having good relationships and getting along well with people.
3) Being well educated
4) Honesty and Integrity
5) Having a good spiritual life

-I got to these through what my parents have taught me.  Also what I have experienced and what my friends have taught me.  I learned these through all the challenges that I have had to overcome to get to the point to where I am at right now.  I have hard about them really hard.  Family relationships are a big deal for, because my whole family is always there for me and I know that they will always have my back no matter what I am going to do.  If I have a good relationship with someone and getting along with people I know that I will make friends easier.  Friendship is important because you will need them to talk to about what is happening in your life.  Being well educated is important because without an education then I know I will not be able to get a good job and be successful.  Honesty and Integrity is important, because you need to keep your promises and you have to be able to tell someone the truth so you can show that you are honest about what you do.  Having a spiritual life shows that I am a religious person.  I always go to church and pray especially when I need to talk to someone.
-I am living up to values.  I know that I am doing what is right and I know that I will always do what is right.  They truly reflect who I am.  I am an honest person and I know that what I do doesn't just affect my life but affects the ones that are very important to me.

Review Questions - Prologue

-One of the challenges that are different are that we are both coming from different schools.  We are also pretty much starting a new journey in our path into the real world.  Another challenge would be where are you coming from because you could live in the area but the other student may be from out of state. 
-Some of the things that are similar is that you are both out of high school and you are ready to start your next journey in another school. You would also be ready to meet new people  and make more friends.  When you meet someone new you could be sort of nervous because you are not sure what they are going to think of you until you become friends. 
-One of my values that will help me through my college is I know that my family will always be there for me.  Since they are always with me I know that I will never let them down.  My values are there so that I know what my goals are to achieving what I need to accomplish. 
-I realized that some values aren't valuable at all to me.  I realized that if all I do is fool around all the time and not study, then I will not get a good education and if I don't get an education I know I let my parents down and especially I let myself down.  I have to stay focus on the task at hand and accomplish what needs to be done. 

-Before you go off to college you should make a set of goals that you want to accomplish while you are there.  You should make a list of what you want to accomplish.  Make sure that whatever you want to do, make sure you plann out your events and scheduele.  Because you wouldn't want to miss class because you were playing a basketball game.  Make sure that you are focused on school first.  That is the main reason that you are in college, you are there to get an education and succeed after you graduate from college.
- If they were a returning student or older student, they should know this.  But they have to have time to have fun and study.  I would tell them that they should be organized because you might have gone through this already and now you have to make sure that you keep it up or else you might be going to the school.

- I take my responsibilities as something that you can't take lightly.  When it comes to failures I have to take responsibility for it and show that it will not bring me down.  I will have to learn from what has happened.  When it comes to success, even though I do good, I know there is still improvement so I have to try my best and do something better each time.  I can never give up no matter how much I disappoint myself.  I have to keep on doing my best and know that the best is still to come.
- I know that one aspect of my life that would need to be improved is my attitude.  My attitude needs to become better.  I know that once my attitude changes, I will be able to accept new things and know that I will always try my best and when I fail that is my lesson that I have to do my best no matter what.  Another responsibility would be that I have to get more organized.  I am organized now but sometimes I misplace things and I know I need to get better at it.

- I don't  think I know anyone that suffers from low self-esteem.  But I recommend that whatever the problem is you can overcome it.  Whatever the challenge is you can still accomplish it as soon as possible.  It is important to address it now because if you don't then you will keep wondering why didn't I do this before.  Once you get it over with you can accomplish what you are trying to do.  It is pretty much, you have to believe in what you are going to do and what your goal is.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Today I felt like playing basketball so I went to the sports center and played some pick-up games. There were a decent amount of people playing in the gym. While I was playing I didn't realize how long I was there and when I checked I was there for about three hours. Today was a good day.