Thursday, September 10, 2009

Your Journal - Chapter 1

My Best Helpers
The names of the persons who have helped me the most:
- Udita: helps out with my precalculus homework
- Paolo: he tells me what are some of the events that are happening on campus
- Jaime: showed me around campus

The most aspect of college that I need help right now is to get all my work done on time, and still getting used to my schedule.  They all could help me because they are all in one of my classes and know what I am doing, so I can go and ask them for help with homework or projects.

Dealing with Computers
The type of computer skills that I have are that I am able to type out all my work and I know how to use powerpoint really well.  I do not have any fears or problems regarding computers, the only thing that I worry about is if I don't have my charger and my computer dies while I am doing my homework.
-Find out if one of my friends have the same computer and see if I could borrow their charger.
-Remember to not forget my charger at home.
-If I have to, then I will type out my work.

Explore Campus Jobs
1. Bookstore: It seems like a good place to work.  It will help me with time managment, because I will have to work out my work schedule with my class schedule. 
2. Jamba Juice: get the experience of working a place that gets pretty packed because it is very hot everyday.
3. Librarian Assistant: It is something that is a good and you learn where everything is.

Explore Extracurricular Activities
Interesting Activities:
- Intramural Sports: it is sports and I like to be active.  The bad part it could get into the time of my schedule.
- Bowling Club: I like to bowl, I used to be in the club at my high school, I don't want to bring my bowling ball on campus and carry it around all day, and I don't want to use the ones at the alley because the ball that I have, I am so used to it already.

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