Thursday, September 3, 2009

Your Journal - Prologue


I am more independent.  Everything that I do is on me, there is no more that was my parents fault everything is on you.  I have more work then I ever had before.  I know that everything counts.  I have to accomplish my goals and succeed in whatever I am trying to accomplish.

I am able to start fresh.  There is no one that I know so I can start a new slate.  I am able to have more time to go and do what I believe is right.  I also know that I can be more creative in college and make more friends.

Conscious Coping

The most stressful experience that I have had so far is getting to classes.  The classes are all in different buildings that I have to walk through campus everyday, and it is a big campus.

Just walking across campus wearing jeans because the weather is so hot. 

I realized that this something that I will have to get used to because the weather is always the same on campus.

It has been two weeks and I have gotten use to the weather now and it feels like I have been used to this weather my whole life.
I plan that I will wear shorts under my jeans.  Because where I live it is really cold and when I get on campus I would just change so I am ready for the hot sun.

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