1. The View from the Audience
- When they were about to start the speech and looking at my notes, I realized that what they were about to say was not going to make sense because they were talking in such a soft voice.
- I believe he finally realized that we couldn't hear him, so he started to speak louder.
- I was wonder if the person was nervous at all, if so why, and is there a way to make him comfortable
- I would have told the speaker to relax, take a deep breathe and breathe
1. Powerpoints
- The powerpoint that I remember so far in college is when I had the first day of class. When we had the first day, the teacher brought up a powerpoint so we could see what needs to be done. We also got involved, he showed us powerpoints and describe what we thought about them.
- The best strategies that help me the best with my writing is when I sleep on it and use computer functions to check spelling and grammer.
Think Critcally
1. The Cost of Plagiarism
Reason: Does not have time Justification: You need to have it right then and there
Reason: Forgot to Study Justification: Didn't have time to study and it is a really big test
Reason: Copying word by word off the internet Justificaton: Didn't have time to research every detail
Consequences: You will be kicked out of the school if you are caught.
- I have to work hard no matter what the obstacle is. I have to make sure that no matter what I do I have to make sure I do everything on time.
2. What are Your Writing Trends?
- I have been recieving a lot of positive feedback. I am staying consistent with my writing, but I know I have to do better then what I already have.
- The negative feedbacks tell me that I need to work more on these area of studying then these areas. I have to think about more detail and go more in depth about what the main topic is.
- I realized that when writing what we are told, I see that we have to go back and look at other papers before and see if there is any other detail that I can use to describe what needs to be done.
1. Entitlement
- Course: English Topic: Write a letter to the school about the budget cuts and tell them how it is unfair about what the agreement was for the school.
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