Thursday, September 3, 2009

Review Questions - Prologue

-One of the challenges that are different are that we are both coming from different schools.  We are also pretty much starting a new journey in our path into the real world.  Another challenge would be where are you coming from because you could live in the area but the other student may be from out of state. 
-Some of the things that are similar is that you are both out of high school and you are ready to start your next journey in another school. You would also be ready to meet new people  and make more friends.  When you meet someone new you could be sort of nervous because you are not sure what they are going to think of you until you become friends. 
-One of my values that will help me through my college is I know that my family will always be there for me.  Since they are always with me I know that I will never let them down.  My values are there so that I know what my goals are to achieving what I need to accomplish. 
-I realized that some values aren't valuable at all to me.  I realized that if all I do is fool around all the time and not study, then I will not get a good education and if I don't get an education I know I let my parents down and especially I let myself down.  I have to stay focus on the task at hand and accomplish what needs to be done. 

-Before you go off to college you should make a set of goals that you want to accomplish while you are there.  You should make a list of what you want to accomplish.  Make sure that whatever you want to do, make sure you plann out your events and scheduele.  Because you wouldn't want to miss class because you were playing a basketball game.  Make sure that you are focused on school first.  That is the main reason that you are in college, you are there to get an education and succeed after you graduate from college.
- If they were a returning student or older student, they should know this.  But they have to have time to have fun and study.  I would tell them that they should be organized because you might have gone through this already and now you have to make sure that you keep it up or else you might be going to the school.

- I take my responsibilities as something that you can't take lightly.  When it comes to failures I have to take responsibility for it and show that it will not bring me down.  I will have to learn from what has happened.  When it comes to success, even though I do good, I know there is still improvement so I have to try my best and do something better each time.  I can never give up no matter how much I disappoint myself.  I have to keep on doing my best and know that the best is still to come.
- I know that one aspect of my life that would need to be improved is my attitude.  My attitude needs to become better.  I know that once my attitude changes, I will be able to accept new things and know that I will always try my best and when I fail that is my lesson that I have to do my best no matter what.  Another responsibility would be that I have to get more organized.  I am organized now but sometimes I misplace things and I know I need to get better at it.

- I don't  think I know anyone that suffers from low self-esteem.  But I recommend that whatever the problem is you can overcome it.  Whatever the challenge is you can still accomplish it as soon as possible.  It is important to address it now because if you don't then you will keep wondering why didn't I do this before.  Once you get it over with you can accomplish what you are trying to do.  It is pretty much, you have to believe in what you are going to do and what your goal is.

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