Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Your Journal - Chapter 2

1. Reflect on Your Relationship with Your Roommate.
I do not live on campus so I would not no how to make it better so we could get a better understanding. 

2. Your Own Experience with Discrimination and Prejudice
I have experienced that with my learning disability I have seen other students at my high school make fun of us because we were in a certain group.  We had extra time on test and they didn't like us because we recieved special treatment from the school.  When teachers heard kids make fun of us or the group, they got the student and brought him inside the room and talk to the learning disability teacher. 

1.Seek Common Ground
My friend is from Tennessee and he moved to San Francisco when he was 10.  I found out that me and him both like to watch football games and play football.  We also have the same type of music that we listen to.  We both went to the same grade schools.  Some thing that I was surprised to learn about was that he liked the same type of music like me, because he usually listens to rock so it was a surprise that he liked Hip Hop and Rap.

2. Combat Loneliness
After attending the rush events a couple weeks ago, I met another 1st year student considering to pledge for this Fraternity.  While talking to him I noticed that me and him both liked to play basketball.  We are also Filipino.  While talking, the one detail that caught my attention was when he told me the high school we went.  The high school he went to was the rival of my high school.  Now we hang out almost every week and we try to play basketball when we don't have class. 

Think Critically
1. What Does Touch Communicate?
One way of communicating would be using text on your phone or email a friend.  It would be different because of your age because it would be really weird and ackward talking to someone that might be a few years younger than you.  An example would be your cousins are 15 and you are 19, it would be hard for you to relate to them because they haven't done most of the things that you have done.  But if you were 19 and your cousins were older they could help you out because they have gone and done everything and it would be helpful from them to give you tips on what to do and not to do.

2. Evaluate Your Own Attitudes Toward Sexual Diversity
- No I do not have negative attitudes toward the these people.  Because I try to become friends with people I believe that I can trust.
- I never had an attitude because I try to work everything out with whomever has a dispute with me.
- I have not learned any prejudices by modeling the attitudes of others that I admire.

1. Overcome Your Barriers
I realized that while I was talking to the teachers, I felt like I had heard the answer and not sure if it is a good idea to ask them to repeat it again.  If I hesitate to ask the question the teacher will not understand what I am asking.  So when you have a question, show confidence and ask the question that you have no matter if the teacher has said it again and again, it is always good to make sure you know what/when something is due.

2. Are Men Really from Mars and Women Really from Venus?
I realized that when we were in a group of three guys and three girls, I realized that there was a similarity while we were talking.  I have noticed that the girls in the group were interested in playing sports, when that topic came up the girls were talking about how they were going to do paintball and how they say that it was fun.  Another thing was that they like to listen to the same type of music.  That were a couple things that we have in common. 

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