Saturday, September 12, 2009

MLK Library Tour

This past Wednesday my Muse Class went on a tour to the MLK Library. While we went on this trip to the Library, I learned a lot of new things while we were there. One thing that I learned was that you can go and reserve study rooms in the library. I also learned that if you are part of the disability resource center, you can go to the adaptive technology center. I also learned that if you need help with finding a book or have a question and you aren’t in the library, you can go and text a librarian, email them, call the library or just come in and speak face to face.

If there are no computers that you can use in the library, and you need to use a computer to work on a project, you can go to the SJSU Student Computer Service. It is found in the basement of the library. The SCS is provided for current SJSU students. If you borrow a computer and if you lose it or it gets stolen, or if it gets destroyed and has to be repaired, you will have to reimburse SJSU. You may borrow the computer for only four hours or less. If you have to replace the laptop you would have to pay 1600, and for every hour that you borrow it after the time limit, you would have to pay a ten dollar fine. These are a couple of things that the MLK Library has to offer.

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